Thursday, November 08, 2007


Flag football is almost over. One more game, thank goodness. LR sure is a cranky person when he gets to bed late. Football may be over, but then basketball starts. I gave LR the choice if he wanted to play or not, and of course, he said yes. Great, but then I found out last night that he will have a different coach than last year. Thank you for that!! I couldn't stand the coach he had last year. I thought maybe I was being just close minded, then found out that that no....some other mother's felt the same way. So yeah, hopefully we will have a better year. I mean, winning is everything, at least not at this age....he's only 5! I thought I was include a picture of my little man playing, he definately has loads of fun!

Oh, and since I am starting this all over and I visit a couple of sights daily, I thought I would show everyone out there some love!! LR giving ya a great big kiss!!

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