Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sweet Boys

How sweet can little boys be to their moms? VERY!! Last night while putting LR to bed, before he fell asleep he told me that "I was very pretty". Now, what is better than that. Good thing he didn't tell me that while he was getting in trouble because I probably would have let him get away with murder!

For the past year or so I had started to wonder if I wanted to have another child or if I was a one child mother. Being 10 days late to start my period, I learned fast that I only want one child. There is nothing wrong with having more children, my husband is 1 of 5, but for my personal sanity, one child is enough. Plus, you know, what you did when you were younger comes back double when you have kids. I was a pretty good teenager, but BR, not so. I'll have the boy that sneaks out of the house, steals the truck and is cruising the dirt roads (we live out in the country)in the middle of night with a bunch of his buddies in the back. At midnight, I'll get a knock on the door from either the Sheriff Dept. or some girls parents who is blaming LR for convincing their daughter to go with him. Think I should just start calling him LH for Little Hellion now?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Lately, oh for the past week, I have been having anxiety attacks. Why? Who the hell knows, but it is driving me crazy. I don't know what has changed for me to be having these attacks.

On a lighter note, LR did really good at his flag football practice. He surprised me at how well he did. I guess watching all the football on TV with BR is doing some good. Even one of the other mother's commented on how fast he was. One of the bigger boys that was playing defense was pushing him around a little and LR yelled at him "It's not time yet!!" Which made me laugh, I have never seen him really get frustrated at another boy before. I guess he isn't scared of even the bigger boys. Could watching the hoaky wrestling be beneficial? Yeah, right!!!