Monday, April 21, 2008


Ok, I have been reading several blogs about doing the "CVSing" and finally decided to give it a try. I am so excited!! I only got one item that generated ECB's, because I wanted to make sure that it would work. But I took advantage of the Herbel Essence deal since I had a coupon for it.

Here is what I got:
Softsoap Spa $5.49
Herbel Essence Shampoo and Conditioner 3.99 each
Wrigley's gum 1.19

Coupon for the Softsoap 1.50 off
Coupon for Herbel Essense $3/2

OOP $ 6.68
ECB $5.49!

I got the Herbel Essence for .50 each! The Softsoap was basically free, with overage. Unfortunately I don't have another coupon for the Softsoap but I am thinking of getting a couple more since they are Free!!

I am so excited and now I have the CVS bug!!

After going there, I went over to the Hospice Store and got two sheets to make me two pairs of summer lounge pants. And then I scored on a vintage candy dish. I had a pretty good day today! WOOHOO!

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