Wednesday, December 19, 2007


....which I am sure that everyone is at this of the year. Finished all the ornaments for everyone here at work plus the ones for all of LR's classmates. Still need to get a couple of more things for LR. Just thinking of it makes me exhausted. I am so tired of all the hussle and bussle of Christmas. I know that LR is sooo looking forward to it, but I will be so glad when it is over. Since I am off the rest of Christmas week (oops I have to work Thurs), I am thinking that I may take my tree down then. I don't think that I will wait till after the New Year. Just so that I can get my house back to normal.

In the spirit of the season, and since they ordered LR a subscription to Highlights, I sent my dad two pics of LR. I'm not extending the olive branch too much, but I thought since they did get him something for Christmas (even though they can't remember his Birthday) they should at least see how big he is getting.

Every year we always have to go to my MIL's house for Christmas Eve. We all usually bring something, which is no problem. I was expecting to have to bring mashed potatoes, or green beans. Can't bring dessert, nope, that is ALWAYS saved for my oldest SIL to bring. I guess it's an unspoken rule that she is the only one to brings sweets...anyway, two weeks ago my MIL called and asked if I still get a turkey every year for Christmas. OK, I haven't gotten a turkey for Christmas since I started the job that I have now, 5 YEARS AGO!! Anyway, then earlier this week, BR told me that we needed to get with my MIL to talk about us buying the turkey. WTF! For some reason this really hit me the wrong way. Why should we be responsible for the turkey. Especially since I would prefer a ham! Well, I haven't called her, she can call me. Funny thing is that she called BR about the turkey instead of calling me. Does she know how to work it or what.

Need to go the post office, but I know the line will be soooo long, I will be there longer than my hour lunch. So, some people may get their presents after Christmas. I know, I suck, wait to the last minute. Do it every year, you would think that I would eventually get better. Apparently, I am a slow learner.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fa la la la la la...

'Tis the season for dealing with family dysfunction!

Man...enjoy your turkey...sigh...hell, you could just do what Debra did on Everybody Loves Ray and make fish...